A Program of The Legacy Foundation

Our Program

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Ottumwa Leadership Academy
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is designed for outstanding individuals who desire to sharpen their leadership skills and gain a greater understanding of Ottumwa and Wapello County’s economy and community networks.

The Mission

Develop effective leaders for the betterment of our community!

Diversity & Inclusion

We believe a truly diverse and inclusive environment provides every member of our community the opportunity to develop effective leadership. O.L.A. strives to reflect our community and promote leaders from all walks of life.

We want to

Educate, Equip, Encourage & Engage participants in civic and community service and leadership.

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Ottumwa Leadership Academy Logo - Yellow Square With Dark Blue Ring


Ottumwa Leadership Academy Logo - Yellow Square With Dark Blue Ring


Ottumwa Leadership Academy Logo - Yellow Square With Dark Blue Ring


Ottumwa Leadership Academy Logo - Yellow Square With Dark Blue Ring


Our curriculum provides a broad review of the various areas that community leaders face every day such as quality of life, government, public relations, human and community services, education, and business, industry and agriculture.

Leadership development is also an integral part of the curriculum allowing the participants to assess their current leadership path and enhance their skills and leadership style. Please click to learn about the Academy Curriculum and Graduation Requirements.

The Ottumwa Leadership Academy is a fun, educational, and rewarding experience that is designed to meet our community’s needs for active and future involvement of informed and dedicated community leaders. We believe a truly diverse and inclusive environment provides every member of our community the opportunity to develop effective leadership. O.L.A. strives to reflect our community and promote leaders from all walks of life.

Created in 2013 by the Legacy Foundation, the Ottumwa Leadership Academy is helping establish a pool of knowledgeable community leaders to apply their skills to government, business, and civic activities and positively shape the future of Ottumwa and Wapello County.

The Ottumwa Leadership Academy building is located at 111 East Main Street in the Bookin Innovation Center. In keeping with the Legacy Foundation’s strategic focus of revitalization, this older, downtown building was purchased and renovated for the Academy.